TLC – Lisa „Left Eye“ Lopes – Biografie

Lisa Left Eye Lopes bei Autounfall tödlich verunglückt

Lisa Left Eye Lopes, eine der drei Sängerinnen des erfolgreichen US-R&B-Trios TLC, ist in der Nacht zum 26. April 2002 bei einem Autounfall auf Honduras ums Leben gekommen.

Die 30 jährige Rapperin war gemeinsam mit sieben Freunden im Urlaub unterwegs als das Unglück passierte. Lisa Lopes starb noch am Unglücksort, sie war wohl nicht angeschnallt.

Im vergangenen Jahr veröffentlichte Left Eye mit dem Titel „Supernova“ ihr Solo-Debüt-Album. Mit den Bandkolleginnen T-Boz und Chilli gab es wohl immer wieder Streit, ihre gemeinsame Tour 1999/2000 zum „Fanmail“ Album war durch die Auseinandersetzungen (unter anderem Trennungsgerüchte der Band) und geringe Besucherzahlen geprägt.

Left Eye machte immer wieder Schlagzeilen. Die Sängerin aus Philadelphia wurde 1994 zu einer Geldstrafe sowie einer fünfjährigen Bewährungsstrafe verurteilt, weil sie das Haus ihres Freundes, dem Footballspieler Andre Rison, nach einem Streit angezündet hatte. Dennoch teilten die beiden im Juli 2001 mit, dass sie heiraten wollen. Die Hochzeit wurde dann immer wieder verschoben.

Tionne „T-Boz“ Watkins, die an ihrem 32. Geburtstag die Nachricht erhielt, und Rozonda „Chili“ Thomas sprachen von dem Verlust einer Schwester.

1992 veröffentlichte TLC ihr erstes Album „Ooooooh! On The TLC Tip“, das zweite Album „CrazySexyCool“ (1994) brachte der Gruppe die Bezeichnung als „Most Selling Female Group Of All Time“ ein, es wurde über 10 Millionen Mal verkauft. Songs wie „Creep“, „Red Light Special“ und „Waterfalls“ wurden Hits. Nach längerer Abstinenz meldeten sich TLC 1999 mit „Fanmail“ für Monate zurück in den Charts. Das Album hatten sie für ihre Fans gemacht, die ihnen durch Briefe und Emails die Treue gehalten hatten. Der Song „No Scrubs“ brachte der Band ihren zweiten Grammy für den besten R&B-Song (nach Creep). Das Album Fanmail wurde auch ausgezeichnet.

Als TLC Anfang der 90er Jahre von Jermaine Dupri entdeckt wurden, nannten sie sich noch „Second Nature“. Erfolgreich wurde TLC vor allem durch L.A. Reid und Kenneth „Babyface“ Edmonds, die das Trio bei ihrem Label „La Face“ unter Vertrag hatten.

Angeblich standen bereits Arbeiten an einem neuen TLC-Album auf dem Plan. Left Eye wollten auch unter dem Namen N.I.N.A. ein zweites Soloalbum veröffentlichen. Dafür war sie zu Suge Knight und seinem Death Row Records Label gegangen.

Lisa Left Eye Lopes R.I.P. 1971 – 2002

On behalf of TLC
New York, NY – Friday April 26, 2002 – It ins with profound sadness and shock that I learned late last night of the tragic death of Lisa „Left Eye“ Lopes. Lisa was killed in a car accident while on vacation in Honduras, in Central America.Her fellow band members and lifelong friends Tionne „T-Boz“ Watkins and Rozonda „Chilli“ Thomas are devastated by the tragic news. „We had all grown up together and were as close as a family. Today we have truly lost our sister.“ The three of them had only recently been in the studio working on their new record – due to have been released this summer. Lisa had a tremendous spirit and loved making music. Her unique talents will be a great loss to the music industry. We all loved Lisa very much: our hearts go out to her family, and our prayers are with them at this tragic time.Diggit Entertainment


A Celebration of Life and Love
Lisa Nicole Lopes lived a life of creativity, ambition, dedication to her artistry, and love of family and friends. Born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on May 27, 1971, Lisa is the first of three children born to Wanda Lopes Colemon and the late Ronald Lopes, Sr.As a child, Lisa’s ear for music was exhibited by the age of 5, when she received a toy piano for Christmas. Though it was just a toy, Lisa learned to play actual songs on this instrument, impressing both family and friends. Lisa’s creativity was hardly limited to music only. Growing up as the big sister to her brother, Ronald, and a sister Raina, Lisa often entertained them with stories she wrote. Her gift as an artist was again exhibited during childhood, as she enjoyed drawing cartoons “just for the fun of it.”Creatively gifted, music has always been interwoven in the fabric of Lisa’s being. Her devotion to music served as a source of comfort, mental release, emotional support, and a sense of fulfillment.

Fueled by ambition, Lisa moved to Atlanta in 1992, focused on pursuing a music career. Shortly after arriving here, Lisa met two ladies who soon became her best friends, collaborators and dream seekers. Together, Lisa, Tionne and Rozonda formed a hip-hop group that quickly captured the attention and the hearts of the world, TLC. Certainly Lisa’s creative influence was evident in the image and lyric’s of the TLC message. Their first CD, “Ooooooohhh On The TLC TIP,” sold millions. Lisa was responsible for the rap lyrics, and also designed the trios’ costumes as well as the CD cover. In later CD’s, “CrazySexyCool” and “Fanmail,” Lisa penned rap lyrics that mirrored her experiences , bared her heart, and depicted emotional and spiritual growth. Again, showing her creativity and natural talents, Lisa was responsible for designing the stage set for TLC’s first major tour, as well as providing the creative concepts in TLC’s videos. The unique image that TLC projected was created largely through Lisa’s creative insight/influence. TLC’s artistry and popularity was recognized throughout the world as the group received both national and international recognition.

Lisa’s natural talents also extended into cooking, sewing and music production. Considered an outstanding chef by family and close friends, Lisa was recently working on a culinary concept tentatively dubbed “Chef Eye Kitchen.” In collaboration with her uncle, Lisa launched a line of hip-hop fashions. And, through her production company, “Left Eye Productions,” Lisa served as a mentor to the female groups “Egypt,” “Blaque,” “Nandi,” and “Jenaisiqua.”

In recent years, Lisa became increasingly introspective, as she sought to discover and unleash her purpose. She regularly traveled to Honduras to commune with nature, participate in cleansing treatments, and focus on mental and spiritual renewal. Lisa took such delight in these travels, that she shared this experience with family and friends by bringing them to this “home away from home” to share her love for this experience. Those who know Lisa well are certainly acquainted with her generosity, vitality, independence and her ability to “keep it real.” Lisa enjoyed showering loved ones with her generosity, never expecting anything in return. It was not unusual to see Lisa reach out to help strangers. And, Lisa never failed to pay attention to young kids, whether they just wanted an autograph, a friendly ear, or simply to see a successful celebrity.

We will always remember the wonderful memories we have of Lisa. Her quick smile, ready wit, generosity, and determination will always remind us of the Lisa we knew and loved. Her legacy is reflected in her humanitarianism, creativity, and, the lyrics in which she shared her heart and soul with her fans. Lisa will be lovingly remembered and missed by her family, friends and fans. Cherishing all that the private Lisa represented are: her adoring mother, Wanda Lopes Colemon, step-father – Quynton Colemon; brother – Ronald Lopes; step-brother Quynlan Colemon; Reverend Sherman Washington “twodad”; maternal grandmother – “Granny Lillie’; Maternal grandfather and step-grandmother – Jose and Eva Andino; grandfather – Chic Chaneyfield; Paternal Great Grandmother – Reverend Helen B. Hewlett; uncles and aunts – Jose, Perez, Antonio, Michelle, Pamela, LaVeta, LaZanna, Dale, Charles Lopes, Anthony Lopes and Karen Chaneyfield; and, a host of Great Aunts and Uncles, cousins and loving friends.

“…Dreams are hopeless aspirations in hopes of comin’ true. Believe in yourself. The rest is up to me and you.“ – Waterfalls

Lisa Lopes

(Diese Biografie über Left Eye wurde von Mitgliedern der Familie geschrieben. Quelle:

Über Jörg Wachsmuth 1573 Artikel
Jörg Wachsmuth gehört zu den beiden Gründern von rap2soul. Er ist Chefredakteur des Portals. Wachsmuth gehörte zur OffAir-Crew von Kiss FM Berlin, war von 1994 bis 2005 Moderator und Redakteur bei Radio Jam FM und später als Moderator von Radio BHeins in Potsdam (2015 - 2018). Aktuell ist er Chef und Morgenmoderator bei PELI ONE - Dein neues Urban Music Radio. Der ausgebildete PR-Berater und Journalist ist auch Mitglied der Jury 25 "Soul, R&B und Hip Hop" beim Preis der deutschen Schallplattenkritik e.V.

7 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

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